Treatment for drug addiction is a journey to creating a new you. It’s looking in the mirror and seeing a new creation, one that is full of life, happiness, and strength. That is what is available at Real Recovery Home in sunny California. We help people suffering from drug addiction and treatment is the key to success.

Moreno Valley is a beautiful place to explore your inner being and find the life you have always wanted.  That may be a life without drugs and alcohol. It may be a life without depression defining each day. Regardless, you’ve come to the right place. Our intention is to help you heal as a whole person, mind, body, and spirit.

Drug Addiction and Treatment

Researchers define addiction by the characteristics of the substance abuse. It’s a neurological disorder that triggers the brain to act accordingly when one consumes illicit drugs. In other words, addiction changes the brain. Therefore, it changes the body, mind and soul.

The primary symptom of drug addiction is the belief that you can’t function without the drug. Other warning signs include a change in behavior, mood swings, and increased use of the drug, as the addiction deepens. If you see these signs in someone you love, they probably have a drug addiction and treatment can help.

If you believe a loved one is struggling with an addiction, look for further signs. You may notice a change in their appearance. They may also start having problems at school or work. Physical symptoms can include red eyes and uncharacteristic weight changes.

Overcoming Drug Addiction and Treatment Strategies

The good news is that drug addiction and treatment doesn’t have to define who you are. However, treatment does require you to address yourself, as a whole.

Behavioral therapy is a proven treatment for drug addiction. It’s a way to engage people who are going through similar struggles. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a way for you to develop and perfect skills that are crucial in coping with life outside treatment. Treatment with CBT is about changing the way your brain processes and reacts to triggers that could lead to a relapse.

Family behavior therapy is a great way to encourage families to come together in the treatment process. This includes family counseling and group therapy. Families are encouraged to learn skills and coping mechanisms that can be used in the home. Actively using these new skills can make treatment for your loved one successful.

A combination of holistic and conventional therapies has seen success in the treatment of drug addiction. Using techniques like acupuncture, massage, and meditation can help to calm and center oneself. These are also great techniques to practice after rehab. They can help you to cope with the cravings that may come your way.

Hope in Recovery

It’s challenging to be in the active phase of drug addiction, and treatment can help. Many treatment techniques are proven in research studies and countless people have achieved long-term recovery. We have faith that you can too. We’ll guide each step of the way.

In the picturesque city of Moreno Valley, California, you can heal your mind and body. You will be given the tools you need to live a life free of drugs and alcohol. The staff at Real Recovery Home understands the need to treat the whole person. Our programs are designed to get you through detox and on to a new outlook on life.


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