Addiction Treatment for Veterans

There may be nothing tougher than facing the enemy when you’re a soldier in active service. That is, except for being a veteran fighting the silent enemy of addiction. Much like the enemy when you’re on patrol, addiction is usually in hiding and always waiting to strike when you least expect it. You’ve given so much to others and America. Maybe now it’s time to give to yourself. Find a way out of the cycle of substance abuse with addiction treatment for veterans.

Addiction Treatment for Veterans

Almost all addicts have a long road to travel before they achieve sobriety and graduate to a life of recovery. As a veteran, your recovery journey may include extra speed bumps that can derail you. You may have co-occurring disorders, such as PTSD or depression, that live within you.

Using substances to self-medicate and relieve the pain commonly leads to addiction. There is a physiological change in the brain when a soldier is in the fight of his life on the battlefield. Substance abuse also changes the physiological make-up of the brain. It does this by interfering with the way neurotransmitters send, receive, and process reward signals.

Many drugs mimic the natural neurotransmitters in the brain and body. Substance abuse changes the body, mind, and soul.  Without effective addiction treatment for veterans, it’s almost impossible to fight your way out of the dark trenches. That’s why it’s so very important to reach out for help when you have substance abuse issues. You need professional treatment before it gets any worse.

You fought so hard to make a place for yourself in the military and serve the U.S. proudly. Now it’s time to make a place for yourself by living healthy, happily, and substance-free.

The Various Veteran Addiction Treatment Modalities

Many battle scars aren’t visible to others. Someone who saw active duty in the military will exhibit their scars through their wild mood swings or hypervigilance. A veteran may also exhibit a state of severe grief or become sleep deprived. Because veterans usually feel like they have to fight their battles alone, it goes against their grain to ask for help. But in a picturesque city called Moreno Valley, California, there’s a place you can begin to heal. What’s more, they offer you the tools you need to live your life free of substance abuse.

Every battle plan needs a good strategy and backup plans in case the first line of offense doesn’t work. That’s why an excellent veteran addiction treatment center offers a variety of treatment approaches. Your treatment plan needs to address your whole self, including mind, body and soul. Excellent addiction treatment centers develop effective plans that contain a combination of therapeutic methods. Plans can comprise of behavioral therapy, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), family therapy, group therapy, holistic and conventional therapies. Research has proven that these approaches are successful in treating substance abuse in veterans.

Combinations of Holistic and Conventional Therapy for Veterans

When veterans receive behavioral therapy, it helps them understand that they’re not alone. Other veterans go through similar substance abuse struggles, as well. CBT helps veterans learn healthy coping mechanisms to use instead of self-medicating with drugs or alcohol. Finding a way to change how your brain processes and responds to addiction triggers is essential. It’s a key component to avoiding relapse, especially in early recovery.

Addiction can tear families apart. We understand how important family therapy is to heal the family unit. It’s crucial to get families together with the veteran seeking substance abuse treatment. Families learn new skills along with the veteran, and this contributes significantly to the veteran’s recovery. Other treatments, like acupuncture, massage, and meditation can also help an addicted veteran find peace within themselves.

A New Road to Follow

A veteran in drug rehabilitation learns recovery techniques during their stay. They can take these relapse-fighting tools home with them. In other words, these are a different kind of weapon than a veteran may be used to. Nonetheless, they can fight back with them when substance cravings happen in recovery after treatment. The mission of a reputable addiction treatment center is to restore patients to their optimum level of overall well-being.

As a veteran, you’ve committed yourself to living every day at the highest level of functioning. That’s why it’s so essential for you to find a place that understands the unique needs of veterans. We’ll match your commitment to excellence by treating you as a whole person, while finding and optimizing your resilience. We specialize in addiction treatment for veterans.

Reach out to Real Recovery Home when you want a program that helps you find the recovery tools you need to fight against substance abuse. We’ll help you find hope in a beautiful, serene, and relaxing place to focus on your recovery. We understand that compassionate treatment with knowledgeable staff gives you a top-tier team that is committed to helping you win your recovery treatment mission.