Drinking alcohol is so socially acceptable that many people don’t realize how serious of a disease alcoholism is. Many people assume that someone is only an alcoholic if the need to drink interferes with their ability to function properly on a daily basis. That isn’t the case, though. Knowing how to identify alcohol abuse could be the key to getting someone the help they need.

Understanding Alcohol Abuse and Treatment

Alcoholism can be hereditary, but you can become addicted to alcohol if no one in your family is an alcoholic. Many people turn to alcohol to self-medicate. People with social anxiety also use it to minimize their anxiety and discomfort. Some use alcohol to minimize physical pain. Alcohol is also commonly used to treat depression or insomnia. Some people simply use it as a means to stop thinking about things that are bothering them.

People often assume that in order to develop an addiction to alcohol, they have to drink constantly. That isn’t true, though. If you are someone who drinks to excess every time you drink, you could be an alcoholic. Maybe you abuse alcohol to self-medicate; if so, you could be an alcoholic. If you crave alcohol the second that something goes wrong or right in your life, alcohol consumption may be an issue for you. Alcohol abuse leads to addiction.

What Addiction Treatment Options Are Available?

If you feel that you may have a problem with alcohol addiction, quitting drinking may not be as easy as you think. If your body has become used to a constant supply of alcohol, stopping cold turkey can be dangerous. When you quit drinking, you’ll go through withdrawal symptoms. Many people assume withdrawing from alcohol isn’t something serious to worry about, but that isn’t the case.

When you quit using alcohol, your body goes through a dramatic change. Many people experience a rapid change in their heartbeat and trembling as their body adjusts. This often causes dehydration after repeated episodes of diarrhea or vomiting. If you have an addiction to alcohol, treatment at a professional treatment center is your best option.

We offer comprehensive alcohol addiction and treatment care programs. These give you access to medicated assistance during the detox period. That means that your withdrawal symptoms will be significantly minimized, so that the experience is more manageable. Consequently, the patient has a better chance of achieving detox, completing treatment and overcoming alcohol abuse.

Alcohol Addiction is Something that Lasts Forever

When you quit drinking, it doesn’t mean that you are no longer an alcoholic. Once you are an alcoholic, you are always an alcoholic. You need to make a conscious effort to avoid relapsing. This can include going to regular meetings with other alcoholics or joining a 12-step program in Moreno Valley to maintain your sobriety.

You will have people available in California to keep you accountable and help you when times get tough. Knowing that you can rely on others when temptation arises can make staying sober much easier. If you’re ready to overcome alcohol abuse and turn your life around, contact us today. We can help.


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