Addictions to various substances are very common in our society today. From alcohol to prescription pain pills, street drugs to legal ones, an addiction to any of these can cause devastating consequences in a person’s life and personality. Because of this, addiction treatment is necessary for people who are into these kinds of substances. Addiction treatment centers offer different types of services and programs to those who have an addiction to different substances. They provide professional services and psychiatric care to people struggling with substance abuse disorders.

Drug rehab is the procedure of therapeutic or medical treatment for addiction to psychoactive substances including alcohol, prescription medications, and street drugs for people addicted to those. Recovery from substance abuse involves a combination of medication, therapy, and behavioral and social recovery programs. In addition to these, individuals can also choose to go through addiction treatment through holistic approaches, which combine medical treatments with spiritual and behavioral therapies to address the root cause of the problem.

Alcohol and drug addiction can damage the brain, the result of chemical imbalances in the brain. When the brain becomes dependent on substances, it loses its ability to function normally. Most addicts start out using alcohol or drugs to self medicate for a wide range of psychological or physical symptoms. Once they reach a point in their lives where they need them to function in everyday situations, they use them without hesitation. Unfortunately, this means that once they stop using the substance, their brain’s ability to function normally is restored, but the damage caused by substance abuse has already been done.

The length of substance abuse can vary widely, from a few days to a year or more. For most individuals, the withdrawal process includes various steps and medications. The detoxification process consists of removing all of the addictive substance from the body. During this stage, the individual will experience intense cravings, which often lead to extreme weight loss.

There are many types of medications available to help individuals through this period of intense cravings and brain function impairment. The most successful treatment combines both forms of therapy, allowing the patient to receive counseling while continuing the medications. Medications such as Benzodiazepines and Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors are sometimes prescribed as aids to controlling the cravings and relapse prevention while patients receive intensive counseling sessions to help them understand the underlying causes of their behavior and seek out help if they need it.

Psychological treatment programs are also often used to treat withdrawal symptoms. These can include therapies focusing on the family system and the addict’s social environment. These can help to identify and treat personality disorders and other underlying issues that lead to drug addiction. Behavioral therapy is also often combined with medicinal and behavioral treatment programs.
